And hello 2006
Ok let’s take a moment and ponder the fact that it is the year 2006. Really? I don’t think so, because there aren’t any flying cars in my reality and I distinctly drawing a picture of a flying car when I was in first grade as being a reality in the “year 2000” (yes I watch Conan O’Brien and yes I thought that bit was dang funny). And so here we are 6 years after the year 2000 and no flying cars. And you know another thing that never happened, the whole “world’s gonna end” because some programmers from way back when decided to not type two instead of four numbers for the year, so every computer in the world was going to explode and we were going to be living off of bottled water and spam as we sank into a Mad Max type world (ok I may be a bit young in relative terms but I know my not so normal movies). And speaking of Spam, I would like to submit that the whole millennium bug whatever thing was invented as a marketing ploy of Spam’s mother company. Seriously, if I would have thought of it I would have bought stock in that company because you know that in the month of December 1999, Spam saw the best sales jump they will ever experience. And then I ask myself, SPAM? Really? Why not beef jerkey or Vienna sausages? Spam, is what we turned to as sustenance in the case of a global shut down. Really what does that say about us as a people?
But I didn’t bring you all here to talk about flying cars and Spam, although that is a good conversation.
I brought you here to look back on the year I like to call 2005 (you can call it that too if you would like).
So what happened in the year 2005, what set this year apart for me?
Is it sad to say that really nothing of grand substance in my life occurred? There were no new revelations; I am still the same Katie I was when the clock struck 12:00:01 on January 1, 2005. I still work at the same place, I still live in the same place, I’m still single (not that there is anything wrong with that), I’m still involved in the same activities I was involved in last year. Really I’m still me.
But as I really look at things, I realize that there are lots of little changes. Things that might go unnoticed on a countdown, or one of those year in review programs, but things that even in their simplicity and smallness, have changed my life. So I am still me but I’m different, changed, and new.
I’ve lost people that I love. I’ve met new people that I can’t imagine not being a part of my life. I’ve had some rough spots, some growing spots, lots of laughter, and many tears. I’ve taken some wacky road trips. I’ve done some crazy things. I’ve done some heart searching and poured a bit of myself out for the entire world to see. I’ve even rapped.
And in the midst of all of this I have done what I am doing now, I have put all this to paper (or computer if you must be picky) and I’ve published it in a forum where anyone can see it.
When you really stop to think about this, your mind starts to question itself. Did I really tell the world about that? Oh my gosh, is that really up there on the internet? Have I really met people online (ONLINE) and formed friendships, real friendships?
So in honor of the passing away of 2005 I offer you these few things:
The following is not a best of 2005, but more a picture of 2005, a story of this last year though a few basket full of key posts. Sorry I chose so many, but when you post almost everyday you have a lot to choose from. Feel free to read them all, feel free to read none of them.
Talking about my America
Like a big baked potatoe
No more products
Life Lesson no. 219
Did you know . . .
Did my womb just leap?
Here comes the rain and its follow up
Dual Citizenship
Light and Life
Beauty – because it is good to show that I can be wrong, and while it is hard, I can also admit it
Duede Seriously
Too Funny not to share
Finally – Exploding pumpkins
No Title
And in honor of the coming year of 2006 I offer this:
Wishes of joy and blessings for this coming year. None of us know what 2006 holds, and it will likely include struggles for many of us; loss for some of us; newness of birth for others; laughter; tears; and the beginnings of new jobs, friendships, relationships, families. In all of this, through all of this I wish you joy and that you will be blessed on the mountain tops and also in the valleys.