Like my friend Eddie I hesitated to post this but from urging of a Jessica and the hope that it may comfort someone else:
My grandmother, a lifelong teacher, faithful follower of Christ, amazing wife and mother, and about the smartest woman I've ever known passed away this morning. And while I mourn the days that I will spend on this earth without her physical presence I rejoice that she now is in the presence of her Lord and has been called to her eternal home.
The following is an email I sent out to a few friends who knew of her sickness:
First off, thank you to everyone for your thoughts and prayers for me and my family as my grandmother has been in the hospital. This morning she was called home by her Savior and Lord. I am so thankful that through God’s mercy, she went without pain and difficulty. Please continue to pray for my family that the peace and compassion of God would cover them and hold them secure. Please also pray that this will be an opportunity for God to speak to the hearts of those who do not know him as their Lord. I rejoice that my faithful grandmother is in the presence of the one who knows her name and counts her heart as His.
Throughout this I have been comforted by Paul’s words to the Athenians in Acts 17: 26-28: And He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation, that they would seek God, if perhaps they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us; for in Him we live and move and exist, as even some of your own poets have said, ‘For we also are His children’.
What a comfort to know that God has appointed each of our times and our boundaries. We are never far from the hand of the Lord who leads us, comforts us, and even holds us in our despair. Our Lord is good and wise and His will is perfect. Oh, to stand in the presence of the One who calls us by our names, who created us for His own pleasure, who reconciled us to Him through His own Son. What joy, what peace, what comfort, what a pleasure to be called to His presence.
Thank you for your love, support, and friendship.
Ooh, Katie. I gooed all over this in email to you, but now I have to do it publicly, too. Did I spell publicly right?
Anyways, back to YOU. I LO-O-O-O-OVE this email. (you have to read each "O" separately to get the full effect.)
Katie, I love your compassion and your way with words. It's a raw talent, and it's obvious that this woman was someone whom you held dear.
Thank you for sharing with us all! :)
I am so late in posting this and responding to your emails, but I wanted to say thanks for the prayers for my mom and what a great letter that this was that you sent out. Everything you said was right on the money, I will be praying for you and your family, I know what you mean about some people needing a wake up call... but as you know, God's timing is perfect.
Much Love.
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