Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Don't be dishin me

Ok so I realize that I am the epitome (synonyms include: personification, essence, embodiment, quintessence (my favorite by the way), archetype) of a white Anglo-Saxon person. I’m like a walking advertisement for the Netherlands, Sweden, and all of Western Europe. I’m blonde, fair skinned, light eyes, and all around white. This is not a bad thing nor is it a good thing, it just is. It’s who I am. Sometimes I wish I was part Asian because I think they have beautiful features, and then I wish I had Spanish blood in me so that I would at least tan every once in a while. I also would love to have the rhythm and soul that so many other people of different races and heritage seem to possess. But alas this was not meant to be.

This introduction is to set the stage for a funny thing that happened at lunch yesterday. While I am a WASP, I do possess youth, at least in relation to many of the teachers at the school I work at. I’m young and fairly hip. I’m aware of the youth culture and know what’s in and what’s out for the most part. I could obviously be much more hip but I’m ok with being just a little hip.

So here is what happened:

My friend, one of our teachers, was at lunch commenting on a piece of cell phone jewelry another friend had purchased for her (cell phone jewelry? I’m going to leave the absurdity of this alone for now). So my friend jingled her phone and uttered these words: “See my bling-bling!” I’m laughing right now remembering a woman in her later 40s who uses the word bling-bling. Oh but the story gets better. Those of us youngins, who were at the lunch table, had to explain the term “bling-bling” to the other teachers who were oblivious to such a phrase.

My friend then began to use other slang phrases to show off her hipness. Then the priceless phrase came:

“Don’t be dishin me”

Dishin? What? Like a plate or bowl? I roared with laughter as did the other younger teachers who were in the know. Dishin. It’s my new word now. I will use it in general conversation and act as if it is right. I’m starting a new slang trend, so you better get on the train.

Oh by the way, the same friend later referred to Marilyn Monroe as valumpuous, lump being the key phrase here. Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha. She was on a roll.

So don’t be dishin me on my bling-bling as I get jiggy with it over here with my valumpuous homies.


Blogger chirky said...

oh, how i wish i had been a part of that conversation...

12/07/2004 12:37 PM  
Blogger Eddo said...

Oh, Katie, Sweet Katie- you are HILARIOUS- you are funny in person, but these BLOG posts are KILLING ME!! Please keep the coming-

12/13/2004 12:45 PM  
Blogger steve said...

sounds like you suffer from "Hipatitis"

7/28/2005 4:42 PM  

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