Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Lost and I like it

I am addicted. Not to a drug or mind altering substance or even to chocolate (which I have a deep passion for). No I am addicted to a television show. Now I have always had those shows that were high priority: Seinfeld, Friends, CSI, and Alias, and I've even become addicted to The West Wing. Each of these run in syndication somewhere so I can always catch up on missed episode or go back and enjoy a old laugh.

But I have now found a DO NOT MISS show. I will go out of my way to rearrange my schedule or guarantee that a tape is set perfectly in my VCR for recording if I HAVE to miss it. This show is LOST. It is amazing. It sucks you in with the mystery and unknown and keeps you there with the characters and discovery. I love that you never know everything about the people. Each show brings a new nugget of information. I not only watch but usually tape the show so I can go back and watch it again to pick up any information I missed. This is a show I silence my phone for, lock my door for, and refuse to take bathroom breaks for.

Am I obsessed? Quite possibly but it is soooooo good. If you haven't seen it yet you still have time. It comes on tonight on ABC (the new old station) at 7 p.m. central time. Watch it once and I contend you will be hooked.


Blogger Katie said...

YEAHHHHHHHHHH. I just found out that Alias will move to Wednesdays after LOST. That is so my favorite night of TV now. FYI - I will be incommunicado on Wednesday nights. No love lost but come on two of the best shows will be on back to back.

11/17/2004 10:54 AM  
Blogger chirky said...

So, what you're saying is that next time I need to call you, Wednesday around 7:35ish pm is the PERFECT time, right?

I might have to check this show out.

11/17/2004 11:09 AM  

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