Monday, November 08, 2004

Blonde Moment

It only occurs once in a blue moon, on the eve of pigs flying, and only when he-double-hockey sticks freezes over. I had a blonde moment last night.

Now I am a natural blonde. Nothing on this head comes from a bottle. I was bald as a baby and had white cornsilk hair for many years of childhood. There was that one weekend when I tried to go strawberry blonde but the hair rejected and I am still the natural shade.

For some reason there is an unspoken rule that blonde jokes must be shared with blondes. Am I supposed to laugh at someone making a backhanded insult to me when they feel they must share these tidbits of humor?

I digress. It happened. I had the moment I dread. The moment that people look at me and nod that nod that says "yep, she's a real blonde".

We went to La Hacienda ranch for dinner last night to celebrate my sisters' birthdays (I'm not sure if that should be plural since they share the birthday as they shared in the birth. They're twins.). We were seated right next to the party room and I could look through the window beside me into the party and see tables upon tables of people. Since I am a very curious (spelled nosy) person I pondered what the party was for and who these people might be. I stared constantly at the young couple who were sitting only inches from me but separated by a wall and windows and about four feet of height on the part of my booth. The dinner continued and finally I saw that the party was setting up a little slide show of sorts. I watched the man setting up the show and realized rather spontaneously that I knew him. I began to proclaim to my family he was a friend from college and then glancing around the party again I began to pick out other people I knew. I then realized that the girl sitting right on the other side of the window was a girl I went to high school with and have known for 10+ years. It turns out the party was for Metro Bible Church, a plant by Denton Bible Church, and pastored by Bernard Borque. I knew like 20 people at this party.

How, I ask, could I have looked so intently on these people and not recognize a single one for a good 45 minutes?

So there you have it. My one blonde moment for the year.


Blogger chirky said...

If you have only one per year, you're doing well. I have many more than that, and I'm far from ever being blonde!

11/08/2004 4:38 PM  
Blogger Katie said...

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11/09/2004 8:47 AM  
Blogger Katie said...

Jes - You win the award for most dedicated reader. By not only checking my blog everyday but also inciting posts from me you are given my heartfelt devotion and appreciation. If you were here I would present you with a roll of toilet paper spray-painted gold and standing on a plastic bowl. But alas you are not so you must forgoe the outward appreciation and just know that you are the reason I continue to blog. You are the wind beneath my blog.

11/09/2004 8:48 AM  
Blogger chirky said...

never have such romantic words been uttered to me...i believe you may want to give Roger lessons. see to understand my full meaning.

11/09/2004 2:01 PM  

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