Wednesday, March 09, 2005

I'm a maniac

Dear readers: I had intended to blog about my fun trip to Amarillo this last weekend but unfortunately that will have to wait until tomorrow.

Today I am hovering on the edge of sanity. One slight move, one wrong burst of wind and I will fall right over and become a full-fledged psychotic person. Have you ever felt like you might at any moment just explode with a burst of repetitive movements that jerk your body back and forth but release the tension that is pulsating through your veins? I think I would almost appear like the dancer in Flashdance when she is bursting with raw energy and running in place to “I’m a maniac, maniac on the run”.

So if you happen to see some crazy girl dancing down the street at any time in the next few months, don’t worry it is just me and I am only releasing tension.


Blogger chirky said...

ooh! i LOVED Flashdance. maybe i should rent it this weekend.

kt, will you watch it with me? we have to dress the part though, complete with feathered hair, leg warmers, and an over-sized sweater hanging off one shoulder.

3/09/2005 2:41 PM  

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