Friday, February 25, 2005

Short on time, long on answers

Comments from last post:

Jes said:
your brain explodes...i have never seen that happen. how interesting.

Nicolle said:
You had a Menudo poster?! What a treasure? Was it from when Ricky Martin was in the group?LIVIN' LA VIDA LOCA Katie!Woohoo!


Jessica -
Brain can explode luckily skull keeps it all in there, but it does make thinking hard for 30 minutes (like swimming after eating)

Nicolle –
Yep, Ricky Martin was the stud on my wall. Random note of interest regarding this poster – I would get dressed in the closet because I thought that Menudo could actually see me (I was in first and second grade people, these things were possible to a 7 year old). I also kissed my poster of Kirk Cameron in 6th grade. I was dared to and hey I don’t turn down a dare. Kirk was a cutie too. I was one where he’s wearing the sweater tied around his shoulders but is looking sexily into the camera (or at least what I thought was sexily in the 6th grade). Wow this answer has become a verbal diarrhea of somewhat embarrassing things in my life. Well now you know.

Eddie said:

Wait no, Eddie you didn't say anthing, say something and I'll post it here.


Blogger chirky said...

i just recently learned that Kirk Cameron is the brother of Candace Cameron (DJ from Full House). Did you know that? Did you?

Not only that, but they are both believers and Candace and her husband have started some sort of ministry in Florida, or something.

And Kirk Cameron is going to be in Dallas this weekend and I know that because my friend Holly is going to the WorldView conference, where he will be speaking.

The End.

2/25/2005 2:28 PM  
Blogger Katie said...

OH MY WORD JESSICA - did you not have TV growing up, did you always just go out and throw horse poop at each other. Kirk Cameron guest starred on Full House one time playing DJs cousin. Kirk and I share the same birthday. He became a Christian during the last few years of Growing Pains and it was somewhat controversial becasue he didn't want the character to "spend the night" with his girlfriend because of what would be assumed. He starred in the first Left Behind movie as Buck- the journalist who is left behind after the rapture and becomes a Christian and a charter member of the Tribulation Force. He is now a speaker for lots of Christian groups and works with lots of ministries. And I kissed his poster in 6th grade.

2/25/2005 2:37 PM  
Blogger chirky said...

i watched tv, i just don't think i ever made the connection.


yes, i know that he was in the left behind movie. that was a horrible movie. the acting was horrible, and i vowed not to see another one, despite the fact that it is "christian." i'll read the book instead. and that i did, until i got to the 5th book and got busy and distracted and i haven't picked it up since. maybe one day in my life i will.

until then, i have eight books stacked on my dresser, calling my name. they have been stacked there since Christmas, calling my name.

for the time being, i'm ignoring them.

2/25/2005 2:45 PM  
Blogger Katie said...

Left Behind movie was horrible, I was in actual pain watching it because I enjoyed the books so much, ACTUAL PAIN. I think I started laughing in the middle becasue it was so bad. Not a good sign when it is about the end of the world mind you.

2/25/2005 2:50 PM  
Blogger Holly said...

Hello Katie this is Holly the friend who went to the Conference this weekend with Kirk Cameron. Did you realize that they came out with a second movie, I agree the first is aweful, supposedly the second is better, I just borrowed it from someone, and Kirk announced this weekend that they are currently filming the 3rd movie. Heads up he is just as cute now as he was then. If you would like to catch up on his ministry go to

2/28/2005 2:22 PM  

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