Monday, March 21, 2005

A quick hello to my silent readership

Hello one and all. This is a shout out to my silent readers. Those who visit but do not comment. My sister is one of these SRs. She told me the other day that I am funny. I'm funny people, my little sister said so. The funny (not ha ha but ironic) is that I was really excited she found me entertaining. I feel this big responsibility to continue to be entertaining and funny because my sister is reading this. So everyone join me in saying hello to my sister (or maybe both but only one told me she read it and thought I was funny, but we will say hello to both). Ok people join with me, ready, 1, 2, 3 . . . . . Hello Kristen and Kelli, and welcome to my blogworld.


Blogger chirky said...

Hello Kristen and Kelli - and welcome to KT's blogworld!! :)

3/21/2005 12:55 PM  
Blogger Greg said...

Hello Kristen and Kelli! Welcome to the blogosphere! My question is this: Who is funnier? Katie, Kristen or Kelli?

3/21/2005 1:42 PM  
Blogger Katie said...

Ben - Since this is my blog and my sisters do not have blogs I will say with confidence that I am the funniest, I am also the oldest, the smartest, and the one with the most humility. By the way did you notice that we all start with K's? My parents were real smart that way, they could begin a name without really knowing who they wanted to get on to and we would all respond.

3/21/2005 2:06 PM  
Blogger Katie said...

P.S. Kristen and Kelli, or as I refer to them Kelli and Kristen (I personally like that cadence better) are my younger TWIN sisters. Yes they are twins, yes they are identical, no they cannot read each other's mind (at least I don't think they can), yes I can tell them apart (I've known them thier whole lives but not my whole life because I am 2 years and a little less than a month older than them), yes my parents knew they were naming twins with similar starting names and in fact they have the exact same initials which was most likely not planned but my mom got to name one and my dad the other. I don't remember who named who but oh well the fact is if they got monogrammed towels you wouldn't know who's was who's (or monogrammed anyting for that matter). No they are not siamese nor are they like the oranges I described in the prior post, neither sucked the life from the other but i think that Kristen was larger than Kelli at birth and got to come home first. Oh yea when they were born they gave me a camel. As if a camel would some how smooth over the change that occured in my life when I was no longer the only princess but had to share and not just with one baby but with two, two, and twins no less, so I would spend the rest of my life answering "No I am not one of the twins" to every person who we come across. In fact I think I should ask for a backlog present. You hear that Kelli and Kristen I deserve more than a stuffed camel. Actually I like the camel, where is the camel? Hmm I must go look for the camel.

3/21/2005 2:58 PM  
Blogger Katie said...

Is it weird that I am commenting the most on my own blog? Does that seem desperate to anyone? Nope. Ok good.

3/21/2005 2:58 PM  
Blogger Greg said...

LOL. No... it is okay to comment on your own blog... but if you look at the comments thinking "Hey! someone commented!" (Only to find out is was you... then yes, there is something wrong...) So as a result of your Mom and Dad giving you a camel... have you had an irresistable urge to smoke from the time you were six?? lol. j/k. Must be some sort of symbolism in the Camel. Ask your folks and let me know.

I made the list! I made the... hey! wait a second here... ;)

3/21/2005 8:44 PM  
Blogger Eddo said...

Hello Kristen and Kelli - I almost typed Kirsten and Kelli and that problem would have totally ruined the Hello because no one likes to have their name misspelled.

Ben LIED - it IS DESPERATE!!! HA!! Just kidding, I post on my own blog more now than ever, people actually come back to see if you commented on what they commented on - I get no work done because of this, NO WORK DONE PEOPLE AND IT IS YOUR FAULT!!!

AND YES KT- that statement about the parade does qualify me to be your leader... I welcome you with open arms... please follow the sound of the flute.

3/22/2005 9:49 AM  
Blogger Katie said...

Where you go I will follow, but Eddie I actually pictured you with a ukelele (I actually spelled that right on the first try, that alone qualifies me for so many things that are most likely not good).

3/22/2005 9:53 AM  
Blogger chirky said...

eddie, will you grow your hair to your shoulders and wear a beret? and instead of playing a flute or a ukelele, how about bag pipes?

3/22/2005 10:57 AM  
Blogger Greg said...


3/22/2005 11:19 AM  
Blogger chirky said...

um, ellen? you may not know this, since you have never met alan, but katie, and eddie, and i are all personal friends of his. we all know him. which makes your comment a bit awkward for us to read.

3/22/2005 11:21 AM  
Blogger Eddo said...

BAG PIPES! OMW- I could totally wear a kilt and play bagpipes and not only would I be the crazy peoples leader, I would also be a client!

3/22/2005 11:22 AM  
Blogger Katie said...

Ok here goes:

Ellen - Umm I am going to echo Jes's comment. I know Alan and I know Chip and while they may both be sarcastic in their responses or lack thereof I dole out a heapin amount of sarcasm on my part to each of them. As far as Alan's dating life that is a part of our friendship I tend not to get involved with.

Ben - congratulations, you are very special. Everyone else on the list i know personally, so you are the mystery blogger who gets special recognition. You may allow your head to inflate for a short time on that prize alone.

Eddie - I own a kilt but not bagpipes and if you had on both and I was following you it would be fairly normal as I am Irish and Scottish.

3/22/2005 11:37 AM  
Blogger Greg said...

I rock. :)

3/22/2005 1:50 PM  
Blogger Katie said...

I've been corrected the official spelling is ukulele.

3/23/2005 8:07 AM  

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