It's a toss up
So Lost is still on hiatus (sniff, sniff) and my expectations are getting pretty high for the rest of the season. And yet there is some competition for the #1 spot in my TV addiction . . . .
See on Wednesdays at 8 p.m. CST (well now 9 with the time slot change) all things in the life of Katie come to a complete halt. Yes for this hour of my week, my life is ruled by a TV show. Don't judge me you know you do the same, if not for TV than for some other guilty pleasure. I will not accept an invitation to anything those nights if it conflicts with Lost, I will not answer my phone, I won't even try to multi-task (even during the commercials). I am committed, a fan, maybe even a little bit fan-atic.
It is here that I will pull you back from the brink of thinking I am NUTS, byt telling you I don't own any books on the show, well maybe there is that one that i borrowed from my parents but it was borrowed so I don't own it. I also don't have an alternate Lostie identity that jumps on the internet to discuss the last episode with other Losties, but I have maybe spent a little bit of time reading these postings and ideas for things I might haved missed in the episode. I can honestly say that I haven't watched an entire season in a 24 hour period (unlike some people I know). I just like the show and have watched it from the beginning and my freakish ability to remember minute details helps me stay intrigued by the mystery of it all.
But as I said, there is a black horse that is filling the gap for a favorite TV show in my life right now . . . . The Office.
I'm addicted. Ok I can admit it. When a show comes along that has me laughing OUT LOUD every episode than it's a winner in my book. It's one part absurdity and at the same time so freaking real that you begin to see some of your co-workers in the characters. I even bought the first season to make sure I caught up on all that I haven't seen. I now watch the deleted scenes on and You Tube. The Office has stolen my heart and I'm not sure I can get it back.
Oh and yes there may be one other thing that The Office has . . . .

(I'm a girl, what can I say?)
Welcome to the club! I LOVE The Office. Thursday nights are truly "must see t.v." for me.
I recently started watching American Idol. I've never watched it before, but chose to bestow my TV audience presence on it this season.
And now I'm wondering why I never watched it before. And what's more? EVERY EPISODE (though there have only been two so far, and next week I'll be traveling on Tuesday) I'VE PARTICIPATED IN AN ONLINE LIVE-BLOGGING session.
Ohhhhh...the comments we make. It's like a gaggle of girls at a slumber party, except not.
I don't get to watch The Office much because my community group meets on that night, but it is hilarious.
And I too am a total LOST geek. Can't wait for it to start back up in March.
Sometimes The Office is really funny, and sometimes he just ANNOYS me SOOO much. Not Jim, but Michael. auuuuuuuugh.
Jim is greatness.
Yep, you are right in both cases... both are very addictive - Lost and The Office, not that dude you had a picture of from the office. I now have a DVR and so I can record shows and my life, well, it was good before, but now it is down right freakin' awesome. I get to have my cake, eat it too, and then wash it down with some milk!
A bunch of my friends love The Office, and I was exposed to my first two episodes last Sunday night. Jim is so stinkin' cute. I'd watch just for him and to find out if he and Pam are ever going to get it together...
LOST is one of "my" shows, but I'm a little bummed that it won't be coming on until 10:00 now! What's THAT about?!
However, I must share that MY new favorite show is Beauty and The Geek. Have you seen it?! It's fabulous. You can watch all three of the previous episodes on line and get caught up. I can't remember what night it comes on, though...
Monday is my conunddrum night---two of my other shows come on AT THE SAME TIME!!! Prisonbreak and Wildfire. Argh...
I meant, of course, "conundrum".
"Jim" was in the movie "The Holiday". He looks the same in that movie.
Me LOVES The Office. Trevor and I DVR all the episodes (he has class during the week, so we catch up on the weekends).
I also DVR LOST for Tevo. He is SOOOoooo mad that it hasn't started back up, yet. Good thing he is a dedicated fan!
I also watch ER religiously. I started watching it in high school, and have been hooked ever since. I almost stopped watching when George Clooney left, but didn't. And then almost stopped watching again when Noah Wylie left. However, I was able to pull through both times. Good thing, too, because Goran Visnjic is SOOOOOOOO H-O-T.
Yeah I might have issues... I have actually watched both the first and second season 3 times now...
the first season in a weekend.
I am a Lost addict
Thank you for everything you said about The Office. How can a show contain so much absurdity, yet so much truth?! Pure genius.
And, how's this for fanatic - I save all of the new episodes on my Tivo until the full season comes out on DVD. Just in case I "need" them.
Office Geek.
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