
Looking for direction. Looking for a "sign".
I'm at a crossroads in my career (ahahahah - did i just say career?), in my living situation and location, and then just life in general. Do I keep on the path I've been on, do I merge one way or the other, or do I just hop onto a different road all-together and head in an unknown direction? These are my options.
The problem is that all the road signs I'm looking at resemble the one up above: broken, showing conflicting information, useless.
So I'm waiting for direction.
Yeah, whatever happened to the nice crossing guards that said "it's safe to walk now".
Advice from Robert Frost.
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth.
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same.
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
Ha... so true.
Cast lots?
Something someone said to me while in Jamaica stuck with me and will likely stay with me forever:
"Sometimes we ask God the wrong question and in turn, get the wrong answers. Instead of asking Him, 'Lord, give me direction", ask Him, 'Lord, where are YOU going, and can I come along?'"
So I asked Him where He's going, and NOW look where He's taking me! Just a thought... :)
Right there with ya, Katie! Prayers!
Yes, that is where I come in and exercise my powers as your life consultant to do whatever I want you to do. :)
So, for the time being, you can move to Dallas and live closer to me.
In Dallas, you will get a job, doing something.
And then Roger and I will move somewhere that is more than a Flat Slab of Concrete, aka, Dallas, and you will move also, because, why not?
And then we will live happily ever after.
I love Robert Frost...
thats the first piece of poetry (outside of music lyrics) that I ever really loved and connected with... wow, I havent thought about that in a looooong time
Wow, Jubal. ME TOO!
I played the piano for the school choir in high school. This poem had been put to song, and so they sang this poem and the piano accompaniment was very melancholy, but it stuck with me.
i love Frost too and memorized this in junior high, I thought of it as I looked for a pic for this post and wanted to put a fork in a wooded path at first
AM, that is one of my most favorite poems, ever.
And in the words of Shel Silverstein -
There Is A Voice Inside Of You
That Whispers All Day Long,
"I Feel That This Is Right For Me,
I Know That This Is Wrong."
No Teacher, Preacher, Parent, Friend
Or Wise Man Can Decide
What's Right For You- Just Listen To
The Voice That Speaks Inside.
The answers in the quiet, Katie. You'll find it.
been there - done that - have no answers for you- because I'm back there yet again! don't live in Dallas? You live in Oklahoma with AM, don't you? *sigh*
Ha ha Deals, OOOOOOOOklahoma, no I'm Texas born and bred but alas I do not live in the Big D . . . . but maybe soon
Wow! I'm looking at the same signpost myself, lately. :P
Oh, wait...THAT'S are a native of Beaumont (maybe you should consider claiming Oklahoma instead)!
Yeah, K-T, Deals is sly like that. I heard her make the "Oklahoma" comment the other day when she was driving. HMPH.
It's o.k. Deals. Yes, she does live near me.
can you give more specifics to your situation? What choices are before you and what situations you are dealing with?
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