Tuesday, May 22, 2007

In response to the last post

Interesting, I've realized that the topic of marriage gets lots of emotional responses from readers. I will admit I was a bit shocked by the comment highlighted in the last post that was made to my friend, but mostly I found humor in it for the audacity of her conclusion.

Like Spaghettipie said, this can be such a divisive topic when it shouldn't be. If we can find unity in denominations, in races, in wealth, in so many other things why should marital status divide us? We are, in fact, all one body in Christ, the married and the single. And while marriage does not equal a higher status in life or in Christianity, it is something that God created to give us pleasure and such an amazing picture of His love for us.

Can I still know the love of the Savior without being married? Of course.

Might I have a different understanding upon being married? Of course.

But does one trump the other? No.

After going to check out what Piper said (thanks Jimmy) I related so much to the foundational message that our relationship with Christ is first and foremost. I think that many married couples would agree with this, and go on to say that without the foundation of Christ many a marriage will fail because we are looking to another person to fulfill our needs and worth. Piper also goes on to say that it is from our relationship with Christ that other relationships are built and more importantly held together.

I hope that the heart of my post came across in my words. I desire to be married, it is a hope I have set my heart upon, but I rest in the sovereignty of God and seek His will for my life above my own. So if this means I will marry than I rejoice in that, if it means I won't then I rejoice in that too. Either way I realize that my most precious relationship, the one from which all others flow, the one that will last beyond this life into eternity is set and firm. No, Jesus in not my boyfriend or my husband, He is my Lord and my Savior and so much more.

My words in the last post were not to show bitterness or snarkiness toward marrieds, more they were to bring to light a situation that so many of us (singles, marrieds without kids, jobless, you name a situation that carries with it expectations) fall into when we are expected to fit into a mold that was never created by God but by other expectations of what a "Christian" should look like.


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