Tuesday, June 06, 2006


If anything my life is predictable. Predictable in the midst of unexpected circumstances and unknown futures. Yes I am using a pretty wild oxymoron, but that also is predictable in my life. Sometimes I forget that often I have been down this path before, I have walked these steps, and I have encountered these same instances in life. The memories of these parts of my life have long ago faded into myth or stories, a fuzzy recollection of what once might have been. And then memories awake and the stories and myths turn into clear pictures of a past that I know I lived. The emotions, the feelings, the pain and the joy all come flooding back and I wonder how I forgot that I've been down this path before.

It is true that there is nothing new under the sun, mostly because there is nothing new in the creation of this world, in the creation of man. My life seems to be stuck on repeat, encountering the same valleys and mountain tops. Maybe it isn't the scenery that needs to change, the path might be the same over and over. Maybe it's my response to the scenery, my choices on the path that need some altering. I can't change the circumstances of my life but I can change how I respond to them.

I wrote this post on puzzles in October of last year. It seems to fit well with my life right now.



Blogger Greg said...

"My life seems to be stuck on repeat, encountering the same valleys and mountain tops."

It's Ground Hogs' Day!

Remember that movie? For some reason, this post reminded me of that movie. Eventually, it has a happy ending though... and just think... if your life has a similar ending... you will know how to do an ice sculpture! Sweet!

6/06/2006 10:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Katie, So often I feel the same way. I get upset over the same things. I get irritated about the same things. I cry over the same things.

My response doesn't change, but my desire to respond differently does.

Except then I never DO change, so it's a vicious cycle for me.

6/06/2006 10:49 AM  
Blogger steve said...

Insanity= doing the same things over and over and expecting different results

I always have to remind myself of that

6/06/2006 11:44 AM  
Blogger Aim Claim said...

ohhhh... I hope you post this because you think think I copied this idea from you... I don't even think I was reading your blog back in october... sorry :(

It was a great post!

6/06/2006 11:49 AM  
Blogger Katie said...

ha aims, I read your post and it sparked me to go back and read my post, but nah you didn't copy me, you just have an amazing mind that I love (wonderful post and so funny that we've both thought of puzzles and life at one time)

6/06/2006 11:57 AM  
Blogger Sacul said...

Great post! Keep up the good work. Say Hi to Chris for me.

6/06/2006 2:16 PM  
Blogger Jenny said...

"And then memories awake and the stories and myths turn into clear pictures of a past that I know I lived."

I realize I am a geek for saying this, but it's like when the kids go back to Narnia, they start to remember what it's like to be there again, the adventures and fun.

Ben- Ground Hog Day is my favorite movie, EVER.

6/06/2006 4:07 PM  
Blogger Katie said...

Jay - not a geek at all, I love the Narnia series and that is a great visual of that idea

6/07/2006 8:10 AM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

Katie, this is a really good point you make:

"Maybe it isn't the scenery that needs to change, the path might be the same over and over. Maybe it's my response to the scenery, my choices on the path that need some altering."

...and perhaps once we decide to change our response to the scenery, the path might FINALLY lead us in a different direction and we'll find ourselve on new mountaintops and new valleys.

6/07/2006 9:07 AM  

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