Easter - what does it mean to you?
It is EASTER, a time where I personally celebrate the life changing and only once occurring incident of a man conquering the pain of death and rising from the grave to bring life not to himself but to all mankind. This is a holiday about bunnies, eggs, chocolate, or new spring dresses (with holiday being defined as a day set aside in common culture to take off work, close down the post office, and spend time with family, Hallmark may also be conspiring to create these days to increase revenue), but is is a celebration of the act of salvation. Christmas may be the "official" Christian holiday but Easter is my favorite. It is the climax of the story, the reason we even celebrate Christmas. Christmas without Easter would be celebrating Columbus Day without independence day. It is not enough that Christ came to this world but that he died for this world. His life, his mere presence on earth was always in perspective to his impending death. It was for death that he came and for life that he rose. So ponder amongst yourselves what Easter means to you and enjoy this time with your families, friends, and a chocolate bunny but don't loose sight of the day it marks. A day that seemed shrouded in death and despair but became a day of joy, understanding, and a beginning of a new life that would never be the same. Easter is the birthday of all Christians.
Gotta love someone who speaks the truth. ;) If I don't move to Texas, then it sounds like we will meet in heaven some day. Pretty cool thought. Happy Easter!
P.S. For Jes... "You have some spelling errors..." *Takes back smart card* lol.
Benjamin Eduardo McMinnisota - I made up the last two names of course but they sound like they could work. I also had to type Benjamin three times becasue I kept misspelling it. You need to pack up your family at this moment and move down to Texas because you are soo in the group.
Disclaimer: If I am tying in word (as I do for some of my posts but not all I expect the smart spell checker to find my typing (not spelling but typing) errors but when I'm typing directly in blogger I forget to do the spell check so my typing (not spelling, but typing) errors go without correction. Ugh that really gets under my skin that I have errors. I will fix it now.
lol. Way too funny. Also, thought I would let you know... my name really isn't Ben (or Eduardo McMinnisota.) We use the "Aliases" (Great show by the way.) so we don't get hunted down by some crazy internet stalker... lol. Kids names are real though. But I like the name Ben... it is a great name... lol. If our next little one is a boy his name will be Ben... (on the blog, we will call him Benji so people don't get him confused with me... lol)
Very nice post!! Rarely do I find myself able to communicate so clearly about a topic that is so dear to me. I find that I get emotional when I write about matters of the heart and the words never seem to say exactly what I feel - but you did a great job of saying what I would have said if I could have said it!!
Ben, I think your real name is Michael or Jack - and I think Eduardo is too close to my name so we need to call you Benjamin Bratt - not after the actor....
Eddie! You're Alive! lol. (btw... who's Benjamin Bratt?)
Still searching hard for the spelling error? lol.
Ben - I am horrified, HORRIFIED, that you have withheld your real name from us. That's it buddy this bloguminuty is gonna open a can of whip blog and beat up on your minnesota snow boots. No really I understand the need for identity protection. In fact noone knows that I am actually a spy for the CIA. Oh man think of the internet searches out there that will have a field day with those few words. That will go in my FBI folder for sure. In all actuality the show Alias is based on my life but with a few changes of course. Actually my mom thinks i look like Jennifer Garner (i disagree but you can't argue with your mom and win.) I guess i can forgive the cloak and dagger with your real name but I may have to begin making up names for you and that totally changes how I pictured you. Without the name Ben my metal picture of your minnesotaness is all messed up. OH well.
Feel free to email me at benandsydney@gmail.com and I will tell you our real names... lol. (That goes for the rest of you in the group as well.) Think of yourself as priviledged because only people in "the group" will know both our real names and our blogging identities. lol.
But beyond you guys, it's top secret. Tell anyone and you will be eliminated. ;)
but "ben", how do YOU know that OUR names aren't fake too? i mean, do you really think that Katie's name is Katie? Or that mine is Jes? Or that Eddie is in the Federal Witness Protection Program?
It would be horrifying, HORRIFYING to find that out... lol. Although I suspected that Eddie was in the Witness protection program... but now you have confirmed my suspicions... lol. (Way to go... now he is going to have to move. Could always move to Minnesota Eddie!)
oh no! eddie! i'm sorry! i spilled the beans! your cover is blown - we'll have to find a new way to hide you now!
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