Gifts from strangers can be scary fun
Ok, I will admit it, I blog-stalk two California girls who are pretty much the definition of rad (see it's a great word when used correctly). Jordan of Oh Happy Day and Emily of Emilystyle are like the cool girls in junior high that you just want to hang out with (not the snobby bratty cool girls, but the ones who are sweet and kind and everybody likes because they're cool but they don't act like it). I'm not even sure how I stumbled across their blogs but they have been a must-hit since then. These ladies are so creative and crafty and fun.
Jordan had a little contest a while back and I crept out of the darkness to participate, ended up winning, and was promised a prize (Wheeee prizes from cool girls always rock). So I received a little box in the mail last week filled with cute and fun little gifts. Wahoo. I just wish I was as creative and cute and fun as her when I gave gifts.
Here are some pics to check out my new stash of cute stuff.
And the sweet silhouette portrait card. Each card had a cute print out (she's creative I tell you) and a little blurb to go with each gift.
The stash of gifts, some fancy and cute toothpaste (almost too pretty to use - like guest towels this will be for special occasions only) and some hand salve, and a nice little bud vase, and a kaleidoscope for moments when I want to be a kid again, oh and I forgot the hair bands shaped like underthings.
How FUN! Wonder if my gift from Chirky will be as much fun...if and when. :)
Do not fear: last weekend my husband cleaned out the Storage Closet of Goodness, and put all the goodness in the center of the living room, and I am having to step over it EVERY DAY.
So: the goodness will be mailed, and soon. And lo: it shall be very cute.
I hope.
That said, Katie! These gifts are so fun! Hee.
I'm just curious what you deem as a "special occasion" for using fancy toothpaste ...
I read their blogs too Katie! I think I saw Oh Happy Day on yours first. They are so fun!
That is fun. I love gifts from people I've never met. Great pics by the way KT.
"hair bands shaped like underthings"
Goodness me.
Congratulations on your cool, fancy gifts! They look really neat.
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